Updating modules with changes to the template

To keep your module's configuration current with changes to either the PDK default template or your own custom template, use the pdk update command.

The pdk update function updates your module based on the template you used when you created or converted your module. If there have been any changes to that template PDK updates your module to incorporate them.

If you used a custom template, you can update whenever you know there is a change in your template. If you didn't specify any custom template, you created or converted your module using the default PDK template and can update when new versions of PDK release.

When you run the update command, PDK displays a summary of the files that will change during converstion and prompts you to either continue or cancel the update. Either way, PDK generates a detailed change report, update_report.txt, in the top directory of the module. This report is replaced by an updated version every time you run the update command.

You can check for template changes by running update with the --noop option, which runs the command in "no operation" mode. This option shows what changes would be made, but doesn't actually make them.

Important: The default PDK template URL changed in PDK version 1.3.0. If you created your module with a PDK version earlier than 1.3.0, update your PDK version and run pdk convert on your old module to bring it up to date.

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