Package endpoints

PE feature: Package metadata collection, storage, and querying is a Puppet Enterprise-only feature.


Returns all installed packages, across all nodes. One record is returned for each (package_name, version, provider) combination that exists in your infrastructure.

Query fields

  • package_name (string): The name of the package. (e.g. emacs24)

  • version (string): The version of the package, in the format used by the package provider. (e.g. 24.5+1-6ubuntu1)

  • provider (string): The name of the provider which the package data came from; typically the name of the packaging system. (e.g. apt)

Response format

The response is a JSON array of hashes, where each hash has the form:

{"package_name": <string>,
 "version": <string>,
 "provider": <string>}

The array is unsorted by default.


You can use curl or puppet query to query information about packages:

puppet query "packages { package_name ~ 'ssl'}"

curl -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/packages --data-urlencode 'query=["~", "package_name", "ssl"]'


Returns all installed packages along with the certname of the nodes they are installed on.

Query fields

  • certname (string): The certname of the node the package data was collected from.

  • package_name (string): The name of the package. (e.g. emacs24)

  • version (string): The version of the package, in the format used by the package provider. (e.g. 24.5+1-6ubuntu1)

  • provider (string): The name of the provider which the package data came from; typically the name of the packaging system. (e.g. apt)

Response format

The response is a JSON array of hashes, where each hash has the form:

{"certname": <string>,
 "package_name": <string>,
 "version": <string>,
 "provider": <string>}

The array is unsorted by default.


You can use curl or puppet query to query information about nodes:

puppet query "package_inventory{ certname = 'agent1' }"

curl -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/package-inventory --data-urlencode 'query=["=", "certname", "agent1"]'

puppet query "package_inventory[certname]{ package_name ~ 'openssl' and version ~ '1\.0\.1[\-a-f]' }"


This will return all packages installed on the provided certname. It behaves exactly like a call to /pdb/query/v4/packages with a query string of ["=", "certname", <CERTNAME>].


These query endpoints support paged results via the common PuppetDB paging URL parameters. For more information, please see the documentation on paging.