Enable cached catalogs for use with the orchestrator (optional)

Enabling cached catalogs on your agents ensures does not enforce any catalog changes on your agents until you run an orchestrator job to enforce changes.

When you use the orchestrator to enforce change in a environment (for example, in the production environment), you want the agents in that environment to rely on their cached catalogs until you run an orchestrator job that includes configuration changes for those agents. Agents in such environments check in during the run interval (30 minutes by default) to reinforce configuration in their cached catalogs, and apply new configuration only when you run with an orchestration job.

Note: This is an optional configuration. You can run Puppet on nodes with the orchestrator in workflows that don't require cached catalogs.
  1. Run on the new agents.
    Important: Be sure you run on the new agents before assigning any application components to them or performing the next step.
  2. In each agent's puppet.conf file, in the [agent]section, add use_cached_catalog=true. To complete this step, choose one of the following methods:
    • From the command line on each agent machine, run the following command:
      puppet config set use_cached_catalog true --section agent
    • Add an ini_setting resource in the node default {} section of the environment’s site.pp. This adds the setting to all agents in that environment.  
      if $facts['kernel'] = 'windows' {
        $config = 'C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/etc/puppet.conf'
      } else {
        $config = $settings::config
      ini_setting { 'use_cached_catalog':
        ensure  => present,
        path    => $config,
        section => 'agent',
        setting => 'use_cached_catalog',
        value   => 'true',
  3. Run on the agents again to enforce this configuration.