Configure SMTP

Configure SMTP for your Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) installation so that users can receive email notifications from the software.

The root user or a super user must complete this process. The email address associated with the root user is used as the from: address when email is sent by Continuous Delivery for PE.

  1. Log into the root console by selecting Root console from the workspaces menu at the top of the Continuous Delivery for PE navigation bar or signing in as the root user.
  2. Click Settings > SMTP.
  3. If your SMTP server requires authentication, enter the SMTP username and SMTP password in the relevant fields.
    CAUTION: The specified SMTP account must have permission to send emails from the email address associated with the Continuous Delivery for PE root user.
  4. Enter the name of your SMTP host and the SMTP port number in the relevant fields.
    Note: Contact your email server administrator if you need help determining the correct SMTP port.
  5. If your server requires TLS authentication, click the toggle to Enable TLS.
  6. Click Save settings.
  7. To test your new SMTP configuration, generate a password reset email.
    1. Log out of Continuous Delivery for PE. On the sign-in screen, click Forgot your password?
    2. Enter the email address associated with your Continuous Delivery for PE account and click Send reset instructions.
      Important: You can safely ignore the reset password instructions and keep your current password.
Now that SMTP is configured, Continuous Delivery for PE sends email in these situations:
  • Password reset instructions when requested by a user
  • Password reset confirmation once a password is updated
  • Deployment approval request notifications when a deployment to a protected environment is proposed