PAM system requirements
You can install Puppet Application Manager (PAM) on a Puppet-supported cluster or add PAM to a customer-supported cluster. Before installing PAM, ensure that your system meets these requirements.
Customer-supported cluster hardware requirements
Google Kubernetes Engine
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
If you use a different distribution, contact Puppet Support for more information on compatibility with PAM.
Application | CPU | Memory | Storage | Ports |
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) | 3 CPU | 8 GB | 280 GB | Ingress, NodePort 8000
Note: NodePort is
Puppet Comply® | 7 CPU | 7 GB | 35 GB | Ingress, NodePort 30303
Note: NodePort is
- Kubernetes version 1.24-1.26.
- A default storage class that can be used for relocatable storage.
- A standard Ingress controller that supports websockets (we have tested with Project Contour and NGINX).
- We currently test and support Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters.
Puppet-supported HA cluster hardware requirements
A high availability (HA) configuration uses multiple servers to provide availability in the event of a server failure. A majority of servers must be available to preserve service availability. Below are suggested configurations for each application.
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE)
CPU | Memory | Storage | Open ports |
6 CPU | 10 GB |
100 GB on an unformatted storage device. 1 GB for An additional 140 GB for
/var/lib . You can use separate filesystems if
necessary, but it is not a requirement to do so. For your
reference, here is how the usage is roughly divided:
Note: The storage backend prefers the file system inhabited
/var/lib/rook to
remain below 70% utilization.SSDs (or similarly
low-latency storage) are recommended for |
TCP: 80, 443, 2379, 2380, 6443, 8000, 8800, and 10250 UDP: 8472 |
Puppet Comply
CPU | Memory | Storage | Open ports |
7 CPU | 10 GB |
100 GB on an unformatted storage device. 1 GB for An additional 140 GB for
/var/lib . You can use separate filesystems if
necessary, but it is not a requirement to do so. For your
reference, here is how the usage is roughly divided:
Note: The storage backend prefers the file system inhabited
/var/lib/rook to
remain below 70% utilization.SSDs (or similarly
low-latency storage) are recommended for |
TCP: 80, 443, 2379, 2380, 6443, 8800, 10250, and 30303 UDP: 8472 |
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) and Puppet Comply
CPU | Memory | Storage | Open ports |
8 CPU | 13 GB |
150 GB on an unformatted storage device. 1 GB for An additional 140 GB for
/var/lib . You can use separate filesystems if
necessary, but it is not a requirement to do so. For your
reference, here is how the usage is roughly divided:
Note: The storage backend prefers the file system inhabited
/var/lib/rook to
remain below 70% utilization.SSDs (or similarly
low-latency storage) are recommended for |
TCP: 80, 443, 2379, 2380, 6443, 8000, 8800, 10250, and 30303 UDP: 8472 |
For a detailed example of an HA configuration running Continuous Delivery for PE and Puppet Comply, see Example of an HA cluster that supports CDPE and Comply.
Networking requirements
Gigabit Ethernet (1GbE) and a latency of less than 10 milliseconds (ms) between cluster members is sufficient for most deployments. For more information on networking for specific Puppet Application Manager components, see the documentation for Ceph, and etcd.
Cluster port requirements
Puppet Application Manager (PAM) uses the following ports in an HA cluster architecture:
Category | Port | Protocol | Purpose | Source |
Puppet application ports | 443 | TCP | Web UI Relies on Server Name Indication to route requests to the application. |
Browser |
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) ports | 8000 | TCP | Webhook service | Source control |
Puppet Comply ports | 30303 | TCP | Communication with Puppet Enterprise (PE) | PE instance |
Platform ports | 2379, 2380 | TCP | High availability (HA) communication Only needs to be open between the cluster's primary nodes. |
etcd on the Kubernetes host. |
6443 | TCP |
Kubernetes API Might be useful to expose to workstations. |
Admin workstation | |
8472 | UDP | Kubernetes networking - Flannel | Kubernetes host | |
8800 | TCP | PAM | Admin browser | |
9001 | TCP | Internal registry in offline installs only. Requires configuring an Ingress to use this port. |
Kubernetes host | |
9090 | TCP | Rook CSI RBD Plugin Metrics | Kubernetes host | |
10250 | TCP |
Kubernetes cluster
management Only communicates in one direction, from a primary to other primaries and secondaries. |
Kubernetes host |
Additionally, these ports are configured by default: 30900 (Prometheus UI), 30902 (Grafana UI), and 30903 (Alertmanager UI)
For Kubernetes-specific information, refer to Networking Requirements in the Kurl documentation.
IP address range requirements
Ensure that IP address ranges
are locally accessible. See Resolve IP address range conflicts for
for pod and service CIDRs -
Default of
is recommended to support future expansion
Antivirus and antimalware considerations
Antivirus and antimalware software can impact PAM and its applications or prevent them from functioning properly.
Firewall modules
If you use the puppetlabs/firewall
module to manage your
cluster's firewall rules with Puppet, be advised that
purging unknown rules from changes breaks Kubernetes
communication. To avoid this, apply the puppetlabs/pam_firewall
module before installing Puppet Application Manager.
module and then restart the kube-proxy
service to recreate its iptables rules by
running the following on a
primary:systemctl restart kubelet
kubectl -n kube-system delete pod -l k8s-app=kube-proxy
kubectl -n kube-flannel delete pod -l app=flannel
For more information, see the PAM firewall module.
Supported operating systems
Puppet Application Manager and the applications it supports can be installed on these operating systems:
Operating system | Supported versions |
Amazon Linux |
2 |
CentOS |
7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 |
Oracle Linux |
7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) |
7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 |
Rocky Linux |
9.0, 9.1, 9.2 |
Ubuntu (General availability kernels) |
18.04 20.04 22.04 |
Puppet-supported standalone hardware requirements
Here are the suggested configurations for standalone installations.
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE)
CPU | Memory | Storage | Open ports |
4 CPU | 8 GB |
220 GB for
/var/lib and
/var/openebs This is
primarily divided among:
TCP: 80, 443, 2379, 2380, 6443, 8000, 8800, and 10250 UDP: 8472 |
Puppet Comply
CPU | Memory | Storage | Open ports |
7 CPU | 7 GB | 220 GB for /var/lib and /var/openebs This is primarily
divided among:
TCP: 80, 443, 2379, 2380, 6443, 8800, 10250, and 30303 UDP: 8472 |
Cluster port requirements
Puppet Application Manager (PAM) uses the following ports in a standalone architecture:
Category | Port | Protocol | Purpose | Source |
Puppet application ports | 442 | TCP | Web UI Relies on Server Name Indication to route requests to the application. |
Browser |
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) ports | 8000 | TCP | Webhook service | Source control |
Puppet Comply ports | 30303 | TCP | Communication with Puppet Enterprise | PE instance |
Platform ports | 6443 | TCP |
Kubernetes API Might be useful to expose to workstations. |
Admin workstation |
8472 | UDP | Kubernetes networking - Flannel | Kubernetes host | |
8800 | TCP | PAM | Admin browser | |
9001 | TCP | Internal registry in offline installs only. Requires configuring an Ingress to use this port. |
Kubernetes host | |
10250 | TCP |
Kubernetes cluster
management Only communicates in one direction, from a primary to other primaries and secondaries. |
Kubernetes host |
Additionally, these ports are configured by default: 30900 (Prometheus UI), 30902 (Grafana UI), and 30903 (Alertmanager UI)
For Kubernetes-specific information, refer to Networking Requirements in the Kurl documentation.
IP address range requirements
Ensure that IP address ranges
are locally accessible. See Resolve IP address range conflicts for
for pod and service CIDRs -
Default of
is recommended to support future expansion
Antivirus and antimalware considerations
Antivirus and antimalware software can impact PAM and its applications or prevent them from functioning properly.
Firewall modules
If you use the puppetlabs/firewall
module to manage your
cluster's firewall rules with Puppet, be advised that
purging unknown rules from changes breaks Kubernetes
communication. To avoid this, apply the puppetlabs/pam_firewall
module before installing Puppet Application Manager.
module and then restart the kube-proxy
service to recreate its iptables rules by
running the following on a
primary:systemctl restart kubelet
kubectl -n kube-system delete pod -l k8s-app=kube-proxy
kubectl -n kube-flannel delete pod -l app=flannel
For more information, see the PAM firewall module.
Detailed hardware requirements
For additional compute capacity, you can horizontally scale HA and standalone architectures by adding secondary nodes. During installation, only add secondaries after setting up all primaries.
You can add secondaries to HA and standalone architectures; however in standalone architectures, secondaries do not increase availability of the application, and data storage services are pinned to the host they start on and cannot be moved.
Node type | CPU | Memory | Storage | Open ports |
Primary | 4 CPU | 7 GB | At least 50 GB on an unformatted storage device in addition to
application-specific storage (below) for the Ceph storage backend. This can be
satisfied by multiple devices if more storage is needed later, but
should be balanced across primaries. 1 GB for An
additional 140 GB for
/var/lib .
You can use separate filesystems if necessary, but it is not a
requirement to do so. For your reference, here is how the usage
is roughly divided:
Note: Ceph storage backend
prefers the file system inhabited by
/var/lib/rook to remain below 70%
utilization.SSDs (or similarly low-latency storage)
are recommended for |
TCP: 80, 443, 2379,2380, 6443, 8800, and 10250 UDP: 8472 |
Secondary | 1 CPU | 1.5 GB |
1 GB for 120 GB for
/var/lib .
You can use separate filesystems if necessary, but it is not a
requirement to do so. For your reference, here is how the usage
is roughly divided:
Applications are composed of multiple smaller services, so you can divide CPU and memory requirements across multiple servers. The listed ports can be accessed from all primaries and secondaries, but only need to be exposed on nodes you include in your load balancer. Apply application-specific storage to all primary nodes.
Application | CPU | Memory | Storage | Ports |
Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) | 3 CPU | 8 GB | 50 GB | 80, 443, 8000 |
Puppet Comply | 7 CPU | 7 GB | 50 GB | 80, 443, 30303 |
The minimum recommended size for a secondary node is 4 CPU and 8 GB of memory to allow some scheduling flexibility for individual services.
Example of an HA cluster capable of running Continuous Delivery for PE and Comply
An HA cluster capable of running both Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) and Puppet Comply requires 10 CPU and 15 GB of application-specific memory in addition to per-node baselines. You can create a cluster from 4 CPU, 8 GB nodes. Each primary uses all CPU and 7 GB of memory for cluster services, providing 0 CPU and 1 GB of memory for application workloads; each secondary uses 1 CPU and 1.5 GB of memory for cluster services, providing 3 CPU and 6.5 GB of memory for application workloads. Create the cluster as follows:
Three primaries provide an excess of 3 GB of memory for application workloads. Each primary must have 150 GB of storage in an unformatted, unpartitioned storage device for Ceph and 140 GB of storage for
. -
Three secondaries provide an excess of 9 CPU and 19.5 GB of memory for application workloads. Each secondary must have 120 GB of storage for
This diagram illustrates the suggested three-node configuration for a cluster capable
of running Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) and Puppet Comply:
Web URL and port requirements for firewalls
Category | URLs |
Puppet Application Manager and platform |
Container registries |
Puppet Enterprise |
For information about containers and firewalls, refer to the Networking Requirements in the Kurl documentation.
Firewall modules
If you use the puppetlabs/firewall
module to manage your
cluster's firewall rules with Puppet, be advised that
purging unknown rules from changes breaks Kubernetes
communication. To avoid this, apply the puppetlabs/pam_firewall
module before installing Puppet Application Manager.
module and then restart the kube-proxy
service to recreate its iptables rules by
running the following on a
primary:systemctl restart kubelet
kubectl -n kube-system delete pod -l k8s-app=kube-proxy
kubectl -n kube-flannel delete pod -l app=flannel
For more information, see the PAM firewall module.
Supported browsers
The following browsers are supported for use with the Puppet Application Manager UI:
Browser | Supported versions |
Google Chrome | Current version as of release |
Mozilla Firefox | Current version as of release |
Microsoft Edge | Current version as of release |
Apple Safari | Current version as of release |