Get Expert CentOS Support for Your Infrastructure
CentOS 7 community support ends June 30, 2024. Without a migration plan, your CentOS infrastructure will be left vulnerable and unsupported. OpenLogic, part of the Perforce family of solutions, offers expert CentOS support and services to keep your infrastructure secure while you plan your migration.
- Keep using CentOS 7 after EOL so you can migrate on your schedule
- OpenLogic’s unbiased Linux experts can help you choose and migrate to the right alternative
- Fill out the form to learn how to get free technical support until CentOS 7 EOL and early access to OpenLogic’s private patch repo

Buy Yourself Time
Extend migration for 5 years past CentOS community EOL
- Private access to CVE patches
- Stay compliant and stable
- Custom vulnerability reviews

Ask the Tough Questions
Every ticket is handled by enterprise architects
- Zero escalations!
- Unlimited support tickets
- 24/7/365 availability
- Guaranteed SLAs

Find the Right CentOS Alternative
Unbiased advice from Linux experts
- Migration options
- Navigate OSS decisions
- Infrastructure evaluation
Set Your Own Migration Deadline with OpenLogic by Perforce
With long-term CentOS support from OpenLogic, you can focus on your migration plan without worrying about what’s going to happen to your CentOS infrastructure in the meantime.
- Mitigate risk and meet compliance with post-EOL security patches and support through 2029
- Reduce time to resolve technical issues and increase your existing team’s productivity
- Test connectivity and upgrades with Day 1 access to OpenLogic’s private patch repo
- Unbiased advice for evaluating and choosing a CentOS alternative
- Technical support before, during, and after your migration
- Guaranteed SLAs and 24/7 support for all major open-source Linux distributions
- Tier 3 expert help, from configuration to unpatched CVEs
Claim Your Free CentOS Support from OpenLogic
Get free technical support until June 30, 2024
Gain early access to private CentOS repository
Set up connections to repository and conduct early testing
Assure your stakeholders you are secure beyond EOL
Who is OpenLogic by Perforce?
OpenLogic, part of the Perforce family of solutions, has navigated disruption in the open source industry for 20+ years. They know from experience that the best way to navigate EOL software is to keep organizations running on their current versioning until they’re ready to migrate.

- We believe the reason enterprises choose open source is for freedom of choice, and we stand by your right to best Linux distro organization.
- OpenLogic is unbiased and supports hundreds of technologies, including all major Linux distributions.