On Demand Webinar

There’s no such thing as the perfect IT automation tool. The best any organization can hope for is to pick the “right” tool (or toolset) to help them achieve their specific goals. But every organization looks for the same return for their investments: increasing efficiency, saving time, deploying faster, and delivering better quality. And in the modern landscape, everyone is trying to do more of all that with less. That’s why every automation tool – especially the “right” one – should be able to prove its value with a few basic capabilities.

This webinar will list and describe the capabilities every organization needs from their infrastructure automation tools, as well as use cases and tips for finding the tools that meet the needs of your organization today and well into the future.

Main Points

  • Why the “perfect” automation tool doesn’t (or can’t) exist
  • What everyone is trying to achieve in the modern economic landscape and what’s standing in their way
  • Tips and advice for finding the right automation tool for your organization
  • The five capabilities every automation tool must have to provide value against those challenges:
    • Auditing and reporting
    • Ability to rebuild
    • State enforcement
    • Custom facts
    • Exceptions

Explore More

Interested to see how an automation tool would perform in your infrastructure? Check out Puppet Enterprise for automation:


A headshot of David Sandilands of Puppet by Perforce taken in 2024.

David Sandilands

Principal Solutions Architect, Community & DevRel Lead, Puppet by Perforce

David Sandilands is a Principal Solutions Architect and Community & Developer Relations Lead with Puppet by Perforce, where he focuses on product management for Puppet's developer ecosystem and integrations. He is an author of Puppet's State of DevOps Report, sole author of Puppet 8 for DevOps Engineers, and a multiple award-winning innovator in the field of DevOps management and infrastructure engineering.